Farmacia Loreto Gallo
Gruppo Farmacie Italiane

1 order every 4 seconds and 30k users in 24h: this is how "omnichannel” pharmacists sell today

Farmacie Italiane is one of the leading chains of private pharmacies and drugstores in Italy with a consolidated presence of over 20 years in the sector. Starting from November 2022, it launched its Live Shopping project in collaboration with Marlene, creating a series of live events on the Farmacia Loreto Gallo website. The activation of this channel is part of a broader strategy of the Group focusing on innovation and omnichannel integration between traditional and online sales channels.

Orders in 24h
0 k
Users reached in 24h
0 min
Average watching time


  • Bring the typical in-store assistance of the pharmacy shopping experience to e-commerce;
  • Consolidate the role of the pharmacist as an omnichannel consultant, guiding customers both online and offline;
  • Educate on critical health and wellness topics, integrating informative content with entertainment moments.

On November 18, 2022, Farmacia Loreto held the first live event in collaboration with Filorga. Live from the Stazione Termini store, Dr. Sabrina Rispoli, pharmacist and Customer Care Manager of Farmacia Loreto, together with Filorga’s Training Manager, Chiara Pattacini, presented and explained various products dedicated to regeneration and exfoliation.

The live event was a success in terms of views and conversions, generating a large volume of traffic and sales on the website. While 7,000 users connected live, over 30,000 users were reached after 24 hours thanks to the replay.


Conversion rate

Thanks to the live event, 6,800 orders were placed in 24 hours, with a 180% increase in the conversion rate compared to average values.

In the first 20 minutes alone, 300 orders were recorded: an average of 1 order every 4 seconds.

Physical pharmacy sales also saw a significant increase: +135% in the 48 hours following the live event.


Pharmacy sales

The live event had an average viewing time of 10 minutes and over 8,000 reactions left live. These data, indicating active and prolonged user participation, underline the effectiveness of the content proposed and the interest maintained during the broadcast.

“The integration between in-store experience and online experience is one of the most important aspects for Farmacie Italiane and for the type of experience we aim to provide on Farmacia Loreto Gallo, conceived as an ‘omnichannel’ pharmacy. That’s why we value the Live Shopping project and wanted to be among the first to adopt this channel in the field of online pharmacies. We strongly believe in the power of technology to redefine and enrich the shopping experience, and we are convinced that Live Shopping is a fundamental tool, allowing consumers to meet pharmacists on the other side of the screen as if they were behind the counter. The results of the first live event and the enthusiasm of the viewers only confirm to us that this is the right direction. For this reason, we will continue our project by creating new Live Experiences that are increasingly engaging for our users.”

Umberto Gallo – CEO of Farmacie Italiane