We answer your questions

Everything you need to know to kickstart your Live & Video Commerce strategy

Marlene is a Live & Video Commerce solution designed to enrich the online shopping experience. It enables e-commerce businesses to integrate videos and live sessions directly onto their website, providing customers with the ability to interact with hosts, view products showcased in real-time, and make instant purchases.

Marlene offers a wide range of features to create interactive and engaging shopping experiences through live and shoppable videos. We provide a technological solution and more: our approach aims to offer consulting and strategic support, creating personalized Live Shopping plans tailored to your business. Marlene offers an all-in-one solution and a dedicated team ready to assist and support you at every step, from ideation to organization, from finding guests and hosts to defining the script.

Integrating Live Shopping sessions and shoppable videos onto your e-commerce site offers numerous advantages, including the ability to connect with your customers through interactive experiences. Live sessions and videos hosted on the site have the advantage of being directly integrated with the shop: viewers can click on products, proceed to checkout, and place orders while continuing to watch the content. This reduces the number of clicks needed to complete the purchase process, ensuring a smooth and immersive shopping experience.

Integrating Marlene into your e-commerce site is easy and fast. We provide technical support to help you implement live and shoppable videos on your website in a few simple steps.

Live Shopping is a channel that lends itself to a wide range of sectors and product categories. You can tailor sessions based on your products and the specific needs of your customers.

Yes, in live sessions, users are not just spectators but can actively participate by leaving reactions and comments in the chat. Users have the opportunity to ask questions and request information about items, receiving real-time responses from presenters or moderators who reply directly in the chat.

Yes, during live streams, you can activate surveys to ask questions to the audience or create short quizzes to stimulate interaction and engagement.

Absolutely. The live session is hosted on a page of your website, remaining consistent with your visual identity. We offer customization options to allow you to personalize elements of the widget we will integrate, such as text and colors, ensuring maximum continuity with your brand identity.

Yes, among the services to complete your plan, we offer support in finding hosts for your live sessions. Depending on the chosen plan and the type of live, we assist you in finding creators and influencers and also help you identify the most suitable internal team members to host your events. Additionally, you have the opportunity to train your hosts through the Live Streaming School, Marlene’s training program aimed at creating professionals in hosting Live Shopping events.

Yes, we offer assistance in finding the most suitable film crews for your Live Shopping sessions. We propose experienced partners capable of ensuring high-quality direction services and ensuring the success of your events.

Shoppable Videos are short interactive videos that allow users to discover products and make purchases during the video itself. With Marlene, you can easily integrate shorts into your e-commerce site, placing them on the pages you prefer. This way, you can reach visitors with inspiring content, share tips, and guide them through the customer journey, offering an even more engaging shopping experience.

To get started with Marlene, request a demo call. One of our experts will contact you to understand your needs, provide you with all the necessary information to get started, and together define the plan that suits you best. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Free resources

Explore our guides, watch our video tips, and read the latest blog articles to create a successful Video Commerce strategy.


Book a call with one of our experts to discover Marlene solutions and together define a tailored strategic plan.